My Health Tracker

Sunday, January 10, 2010


So I was sitting in church today and we were talking about God and God's nature. We read the scripture in Alma 7:20 where it says: "I perceive that it has been made known unto you, by the testimony of his word, that he cannot walk in crooked paths; neither doth he vary from that which he hath said; neither hath he a shadow of turning from the right to the left,or from that which is right to that which is wrong' therefore, his course is one eternal round."

The part I bolded, struck my thoughts and sent me off into la-la land, where I usually come up with my thoughts and epiphanies. I started thinking how true that is, that God doesn't do turn to the right or left, he keeps on going and sticks to his word no matter what. I thought about certain politicians, and their views on important subjects. I thought about Abortion. Some say it is okay, some say it should be personal choice, and others say absolutely not!

I thought about what God would say about that and was kind of surprised at how quickly my mind said absolutely not! I will explain why I feel about this.

God gives us our agency. It is one of the greatest gifts we have ever been given. We are free to choose to walk about and not partake of fruit, which is bad for us, or to partake of it, and learn from it. We can decide to do whatever we want in life. What we cannot decide; however, are the consequences that come from the choices we make.

We live in an amazing Country, where we are able to make many choices on our own accord. Some call it the American Dream. The American Dream to me is being able to work hard at something, and achieve it because we are free to progress without tyrants controlling what we do. But it is also about taking responsibility of our choices, whether bad or good, and stepping up to the plate when we have made a wrong choice.

The American society has degraded a lot. Many people believe they are entitled to things just because they are citizens of the country, and that they shouldn't have to work hard, or take responsibilities of what they have done in the past, and this bug's me a lot.

If a girl get's pregnant, whether she means to or not, she should take responsibility of the life she is creating. I know the question arises, what if she is just a child herself? what if she was raped? These questions are not to be taken lightly. But either way, There is a life growing inside her and she needs to take responsibility of it. It is not always easy, I have never gone through pregnancy/childbirth, and so I cannot say how difficult it is. Life however, is never easy, and it was never meant to be. And it is not just with abortion, it is with everything.

Nobody is perfect, and I am far from it. But that is no excuse to not try and be as much like our Father in Heaven as possible. We need to take responsibility for all our actions, and though some may not be easy to face, we can always progress, that is what is so great about America. The progression may be slow, but it will be worth it. We need to strive not to look left or right of what we have done, but to strive forward with an eye single to God and he will guide us to happiness we have never imagined.

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