My Health Tracker

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 2/3

Day two was much better, I had monday off so a good, decent night's sleep was really helpful. I woke up and went to the gym. I started off with jump ropes again, to warm up and did 500 in increments of 200, 150, 150. I then lifted weights, did sit-ups and push-ups and was going to run on the treadmil, but it didn't work so I compensated by doing Cardio and doing 350 more jump ropes and played around with a little dumb bell punching bag. I stayed strong with the shakes and had no problem drinking lot's of water. I drank about a gallon. The only complaint I had with drinking so much water is that I had to pee non-stop, while at work. It felt good, and I hope I can keep things up, sometimes I get discouraged and hungry, and I just need to sit back and remember why I am doing this. Today I got up and was ready for a jog,,,the rest of my body was SORE! So I planned on just going for a little jog. When I walked out the door however, I noticed it had snowed about 4 inches last night. I now, I'm a whoose, I hate cold weather, and I hate running in snow and ice. So I attempted to do some leg lifts and flutter kicks, but my abs were so sore from yesterday I couldn't do it for more than a minute. I decided to give my body a rest for the day, and spent the rest of the day I had with Kat. (I woke up at 11 am due to the 3 am bedtime i have at work, and started work tonight at 5). I haven't drank as much water as yesterday, but i'm starting to catch up, and the pee runs are comeing! Water is so good for you, and it helps with hunger. Over all, it is going good! At times, a diet can get discouraging, because everyone wants to see emediate results. This is where self dedication and diligance comes in. A succesful healthy lifestyle requires you to get into a habbit of being healthy, and not lazy, and at a start of a diet, it takes time to get used to that.

1 comment:

Yay! A blog! said...

I like this entry. The last few sentences especially. Don't give up man. As you said, a healthy lifestyle requires taking on a new habit, changing who we are. By the time you realize it, it will be easier. I must admit, though, that I am not a big believer of shakes; HOWEVER, I know you can do this dude!

I would have had an entry, but I was too busy writing the "I see you" entry. For some reason it shows up as if I typed it before the one about the weight. I'll get one up soon.