My Health Tracker

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day one

Well, Day one was alright. It will take a bit to get used to not eating so much. Going to the gym was good though, the police department has their own gym, however very small. I started off with 500 jump ropes, in increments of 100. I then went on a steping machine, I first thought it was an elliptical machine, and climbed up 300 feet. WOW! I have never done those machines before, and it kicked my but! after that I lifted a little bit of weights with my arms. Over all, I thought I did a pretty good job, but I need to get in a lot better condition. I don't think I drank as much water as I should have during the day, and because I was on graves the night before, I didn't wake up until 11:30, which kind of messes up your eating schedule. I started with a shake in the "morning" (around 12:00) and then Kat made a delicious and nutritious meal around 4:30 pm. She steamed asparagus, made these chicken wrap things, and some mashed potatoes. I was pretty proud of myself though, and I stepped away from the plate as soon as I thought I was full. I am glad I married a good cook! I was hoping that would subside me until I went to bed, but my body isn't used to going to bed until 3 am, so I got really hungry around 9:30pm and ate some more chicken wraps from earlier. Kat and I spent the rest of the evening cleaning and watching our favorite shows on t.v. Note to self: Watching Ace of Cakes, or Cake Boss on the first night of a diet isn't always the smartest thing to do :) That show always puts me in the mood for cakes and sweets.


Kat and Andy Bartholomew said...

I am very proud of you baby! You are really setting your mind to your goal and being proactive! I am also glad that you think I am a great cook!

Yay! A blog! said...

Funny note to self! And I'm glad to hear Kat is catering the food she cooks to your diet! Wow 300 feet! Good job both of you.