My Health Tracker

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

OH, Why not?

Wanna play a game?
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory (or more) that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing (but you don't have to) and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.


Mary Ann said...

I remember when I went to change Brooklyn's diaper and it was on backwards.....I wonder who did that! But I appreciate the effort!

Delene said...

Oh, so many! Like the time Dave came to visit before he and Rose were engaged and you helped your self to his food on his plate!!

Tracie said...

Hmm...I remember fighting with you for shotgun one time and you wouldn't get in the car because I took shotgun, so mom left you sitting on the side of the street (main street in Gunnison) and drove off. When we got to where we were going she felt bad for leaving you there so she dropped me off and went back to get you.

Rose said...

That's funny, Tracie. I remember when you would put your head down to the manhole cover(I think that's what it was) in front of Dad's store and say you could hear the Ninja Turtles down there. I also remember you coming to visit us at Snow College and all of my roomates thought you were so cute. You were only Luke's age.

Susan said...

I remember you being very grumpy at my wedding reception because you had to wear a flower on your shirt.

Becca Queen of Chaos said...

I was so grateful when you and Mary Ann came to Lilly's lunch after her sealing. You were still on crutches and you still made the effort.

Ami said...

I just remember how much I've always appreciated that you liek to play with the kids when the family gets together. It's so nice to have them entertained and not coming up constantly complaining about being bored because Uncle Andy's around and playing with the kids!