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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Jazz vs Lakers

I got the chance to go to a playoff game today, it was awesome and noisy... heres a couple of pics

I was hoping to catch a slam dunk but it was only a layup

shooting free throws

They gave these towels out at the door,,,it says one team, one dream.....Jazz won in overtime, It was a great game, the stadium was so loud....I'm going to try and post a video to show how loud it was.


Andy Bartholomew said...

If you pay close attention to the second video, you can hear the crowd chant,,"Lakers suck, Lakers suck"

Delene said...

Glad you had a good time!!!

Rose said...

I'll bet it was loud. We watched it on TV, and it was pretty wild.

Jolene Martinez said...

How cool! It was a great game. I'm glad they won.